Galaxy Gear 2 Set To Be Thinner, Lighter And Come Bundled With The Galaxy S5 [Report]

The technology world never stops turning, and the smartphone portion is more fluid than most, which means it’s no surprise to anyone that Samsung is hard at work making the Galaxy Gear 2 so soon after the first version hit stores alongside the third generation Galaxy Note.

Not only is Samsung working on the device, but it seems that the company is more than happy to talk about it after an unnamed Samsung spokesperson told the Korean site ET News that not only is the Galaxy Gear 2 on the way, but that it will also be between 15% and 20% thinner than the original model. This new svelte design also means that the device will be lighter, which will come as good news to those that baulked at the idea of lugging the firstGalaxy Gear around on their poor unsuspecting wrist.

The same spokesperson said that the new smartwatch will tie in well with the also unannounced Galaxy S5, which will come as no bi surprise to anyone. What that does mean though is that we may just see the Galaxy Gear 2 bundled alongside Samsung’s next flagship smartphone in a similar way to how the Galaxy Gear was with the Galaxy Note 3. And yes, that’s the most times we’ve written the word ‘galaxy’ in a sentence, and yes, it’s lost all meaning at this point.

With Apple still yet to announce its own smartwatch, let along release one, it’s entirely possible that Samsung will be up to its second generation device before Apple is out on the blocks. Of course, that doesn’t mean that Apple won’t be competitive. Either Apple simply refuses to ship until the unannounced watch is at a standard with which it is comfortable, or it’s simply not on the cards at all. At this point, we’ve honestly no idea which of those two options it is.

Samsung seems happy to push forward with its own smartwatches regardless, and with the new device apparently set to be more functional – games, entertainment and healthcare are on the agenda – we could be in for an interesting 2014 as far as our wrists are concerned.

Bring it on, we say!

Would you buy the Galaxy Gear 2 when it comes out? Considering how much the current Gear lacks in terms of functionality.

(Source: ETNews [Google Translate])